The following is an example of proposal written by my student coming from Timor Leste, a former student of Untim (East Timor University) in Dili. I have revised her proposal and it has been a thesis. She was very smart when she defended her thesis examination. This publication wants to help you to write in English. If you need, you may copy it as a starting point for you to write. Or, if you want to copy it, don’t forget to write her name and title of her proposal.
Anselmus Sahan
Lecturer of Writing and Literature
Timor University, Kefamenanu, Timor, East Nusa Tenggara Province
The following is an example of proposal written by my student coming from Timor Leste, a former student of Untim (East Timor University) in Dili. I have revised her proposal and it has been a thesis. She was very smart when she defended her thesis examination. This publication wants to help you to write in English. If you need, you may copy it as a starting point for you to write. Or, if you want to copy it, don’t forget to write her name and title of her proposal.
Anselmus Sahan
Lecturer of Writing and Literature
Timor University, Kefamenanu, Timor, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Presented to the English Study Program as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
NIM : 94 030 912
Presented to the English Study Program as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
STUDENT NUMBER : 94 030 912
Kefamenanu, May 2008
Approved by
Main Advisor Associate Advisor
Drs. Anselmus Sahan Drs. Edmundus Bouk
First of all the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to the Almighty God who has given her a lot of possibilities that motivate her to finalize her proposal writing. She believes that the God’s Holly Spirit has been poured down on some people’s thought. Therefore, she would like to address her deepest thanks to some of them as follows:
Drs. Anselmus Sahan, her main advisor, and Drs. Edmundus Bouk, her associate advisor, who have led him to make her best future and prospective way to finalize this proposal writing;
Imanuel Kamlasi, S.Pd, Head of English Study Program, who has permitted her to write this proposal and spent much time to discuss the substance of this writing;
All lecturers of English Study Program who have filled him with a lot of knowledge and experiences in order to help her master on English, particularly speaking skill; and
All her friends in the English Study Program who have accompanied her from the beginning until the end of this proposal writing.
She acknowledges that this simple writing is full of errors. As an imperfect human being, she will welcome to suggestions, criticisms and revisions in order that this proposal can meet the need of those who wants to read this writing. However, she still believes that in its simplicity, it is expected to offer a great deal of beneficial information that might help readers to understand the discussion of the substance of this proposal and to conduct the same research.
Kefamenanu, May 2008
The Writer
TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………….
APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………….
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………….
TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………..
1.1. Background of the Study ……………………………………….
1.2. Statement of the Problems ……………………………………..
1.3. Objectives of the Study ………………………………………...
1.4. Significance of the Study ………………………………………
1.5. Scope and Limitation of the Study …………………………….
1.6. Structure of the Writing ………………………………………..
2.1. English as a Foreign Language …………………………………….
2.2. Teaching English as a Foreign Language ………………………….
2.3. Reviewing Techniques and Methods of Teaching …………………
2.4. EFL Materials for Senior High Schools (SMA) …………………...
2.5. Subskill Theories of TEFL …………………………………………
3.1. Research Design ……………………………………………………
3.2. Population and Subject of the Study ……………………………….
3.3. Instrument ………………………………………………………….
3.4. Procedure of the Study ……………………………………………..
3.5. Technique for Data Analysis ………………………………………
3.6. The Technique of Testing the Hypothesis …………………………
3.7. Techniques for Analysis of Oral Test ……………………………...
BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………..
APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………...
1.1. Background of the Study
People who have been living in the same area would have some tendencies in using a language as a tool of communication. On the other hand, language has a social need, which people would have a philosophy of life in which it identifies their cultural background. It is also a considerable factor of social needs and a symbolic tool of communication of number of population. In viewing the above mentioned idea, Richard R. D. (1993: 234) stated that, the language is a crucial factor, which people use to communicate with another people from different cultural background. Meanwhile, human beings have a unity in a small community, and it has norm as their ethnic code of life since they consider language as a strong part of their identity to stand among others. Language itself has worked as a new primary symbol of definition of affiliation to social groups in different rank of life in a civilized society.
Linguistically, the most popular language scientists have actively explored to update language itself either in written or in spoken forms of language since it was viewed as the proportional activity to run all national programs, such as social, economic, politic and education. Among the national programs, education is the primary key to be implemented to exterminate all illiteracies existing in one country. Therefore the government has tried to empower its society through learning English that has been officially adopted as an obligatory subject to be taught from secondary schools up to Universities. So, English has officially being taught under the National Curriculum accordingly. Consequently, all materials for teaching the senior high school students are mainly expected to reflect its national curriculum syllabus, which gives social formulation of its society. In line with the fact above, Sutrisno stated that statistically a spoken language result tested of English, produced from different language users, has different amounts and types of English test results which would be sorted out as break down by hypothesis on the basis of one tailed-test level of 0.05%.
Jack R. Day (1992: 137) assumed that language is universally accepted to characterize the diversities of human being, in which it would be demonstrated through their speaking performance from different language users. Particularly language itself is an affiliation of social context of people, who would have to share a similar cultural background. In this connection, learning a new language means learning to embrace a new culture of people, who are instinctively making an effort to communicate with people who are from different cultural background.
Teaching process is a part of education, which is officially promulgated for all schools as their main activities. Contentedly, this teaching process is being committed as under the discretionary of Department of Education. While all the activities of teaching learning processes are pedagogically absolutely under the control of its Ministerial Department of Education.
Otherwise, it should be advised that education is the key only for the successful of all activities run under the government authority for the future of its nation wisdom. Unfortunately, education is the most social vigor to run all social aspects may each social group has to maintain their prestige in the environment. Therefore, in teaching learning process, all teachers are expected to design materials on the basis of national syllabus as one discretionary of its school.
It could be a ware that teaching activity is a philosophy and a fundamental of pedagogy. Basically, the objective of teaching English is normally confronted with two pillars. This mater tends to justify that there would have any obstacles which will be absolutely encountered by the two sides: teachers and students. Exactly, students are not well encouraged to learn English as a foreign language. On the other hand, teachers are absolutely confronted with a critical situation to adopt a method in which it is conditionally used to teach English as a foreign language.
However, both teachers and students in a communicative classroom are presently engaged in communicative class. In this case, teachers are subsequently served as the proportional responsibility in the classroom. It gives a brainstorm that, the method adopted promptly reflects the students different cultural background and the language used in their daily conversation. In order to facilitate classroom discussion of English teaching, based on the writer experience when conducting a Field Familiarization Program or Practice Teaching, she tried to establish a dialogue which emphasized on the daily conversation. As fact, it did not enable the students to interact such as a thing. Those students came from various vernacular languages in Indonesia, and mostly from East Timor, Java, West Timor, Bali and others from the rest of Indonesia.
1.2. Statement of the Problem
The problems of this study are stated as follows:
1.2.1. Is there any significant change of Communicative Method in building the student speaking ability of SMUN 2 Dili?
1.2.2. Do the IPS1 students (Experimental Class) achieve better speaking ability than IPS4 (Control Class)?
1.3. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study are stated as follows:
1.4.1. To verify whether there is any significant change of Communicative Method in building the student speaking ability of SMUN 2 Dili.
1.4.2. To find out whether the experimental class achieve better speaking ability than control class.
1.4. Significance of the Study
This study will be significantly different from others based on the three procedures described as follows:
1.5.1. If will absolutely inform the significant differences of the scores between experimental class and control class caused by the use of particular method “Communicative Method” to the experimental class.
1.5.2. After the pre-test for both classes ends, this study will be considered significant after the assessment of the discussion and data analysis.
1.5.3. Theoretically, this study will be considered valid on the use of experimental method to the experimental class which is regarded as a special class of this study than control one in which it is applied a conventional method only. It will be presumed in which, after the calculation of the scores, the scores gained are balanced or 0.95%. It then indicates that the method utilized is successful in teaching speaking to the experimental class of class IPS of SMUN 2 Dili in the school year of 1998/1999.
1.5. Scope and Limitation
The sustainable research of collecting the data of this study will be performed only to the following scopes and limitation :
1.5.1. Unfortunately, scope of this study is limited only to the effectiveness of teaching speaking ability for the third year students of SMUN 2 Dili in the school year of 1998/1999.
1.5.2. In connection with the above mentioned scopes, this study is limited only to the two classes which randomly selected thirty students, who, are out of the two classes without seeing the genders.
1.5.3. In accomplishing this writing this study is limited only to the one of the priority of the method applying to experimental class (group) which, called experimental method.
1.6. Structure of the Writing
Systematically, this study consists of three chapters. Chapter one, Introduction, covers Background of the Study, Statement of the Problems, Objectives of the Study, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitation, and Structure of the Writing. Chapter two, Review of Related Literature comprises Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, etc. And chapter three, Research Method, consists of Research Design, Subject of the Study, Instrument, Procedures of the Study, Techniques of Data Analysis, Techniques of Testing the Hypothesis and Techniques of Oral Test Analysis.
2.1. English as a Foreign Language
In reviewing the scientific Teaching of English language as a Foreign Language (TFEL), linguistically there some theories such as references, which is output for both sides teacher and students. In at theory of competitive language learner, which described by Herbert W. Seliger, at al. (1979: 77) who, had longest traveling to explore and observing language learning teaching (English in Brazilian) stated that there are some aspects of language learning in the classroom faced by students. However, English as a foreign language in a far of the origin of the country, such as quoted by Herbert W.
“In fact, the data reveals out an error on my part of English language test, which the result of the English test I have noticed Apparently, I am saying that this test is profoundly to calculate The destination of way of teaching is effective or …. (p..76)”.
Linguistically, there would be some theories based on the references described as the phenomenon of some language experts who, extremely vigor for the development of the languages in twenty century.
2.2. Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL)
Consequently, based on the linguistic background of the foreign language learners it can be implied that there would be two factors in teaching learning process of English language itself. According to Martin, Magers (1978: 136) and quoted by Herbert W. Seliger (1979: 69), linguistically there are intrinsic and extrinsic, these factors emerged while it’s caused by the ambition of the students who, are publicly produced which are not well-learned although the language itself is rarely spoken by the foreign language learners in certain countries.
In Correlation with the above described mater, Herbert W. 1979, stated that obviously it can be supported teachers are as non-native spoken English teachers. Otherwise, in language classes it not usual for students to be called upon to perform during the early stages of language learning. On the other hand, Richard R. Day (1986: 128) said that frequently teacher of a foreign language learning must be as the model for language interaction for the second language acquisition. To emphasis it Herbert et al (1979: 197).
“a willingness to allow the child to structure with the language in traction may be critical to be successful of language acquisition”
In response to the both students and teachers, who are well motivated in respect to the level of methodology, it could be justified for specific speaking exercise and techniques that will be used in the course. Ideally the techniques, classroom activities, and task which forms the methodology of teaching different language skills should be designed by the teachers. Richard (1989: 9) said that, the materials designed should be perceived by the learner as a means toward an and, not merely as end in themselves. In line with the above quotation, pedagogically there two phenomena of teaching English in respect to the theory of the following quotation ….
“Features of Teachers Verbal Activity beyond the basic attempt to make a content of compressible and successful of teaching activity beyond both teacher and students”….
Richard R. Day (1986: 139) as implementation of this activity, herewith there are be techniques and methods requested for the implementation of the experimental method that selected to guarantee of the successful of teaching learning process off English itself a second language acquisition. Otherwise, there are some techniques which scientifically under-described.
2.3. Reviewing Techniques and Methods of Teaching
As a preliminary designing, in which stated techniques and methods are scientifically described before the writing process started based on the imagination which must be the main resource for this writing. Complementary prospective of teaching English as a foreign language, it will be a significant features of teaching and learning process.
In patterns drill to transform an exercise, the writer derives techniques and methods to increase the frequency of over made up generalized structures to establish spoken English ability. The selected techniques are designed to pretend creating the classroom language classroom, where English is being studied for more general purpose, its expected to derive the following procedures.
Firstly, technique which is precisely described on the basis of influencing and monitoring on language learning. It might be said, that technique is a linguistics dimension of such task of a controller in monitoring as activity which is done another. Primarily, as regarded the classroom’s activity, teaching techniques are designed by language curriculum syllabus theory, which underlined is speaking skill (the writer). (Mumby 1974, Yalden 1983, quoted by Richard (1985: 8), language teaching syllabus designed is an aspect of curriculum activity that depends upon finding in areas of applied linguistics research.
Under the description of the above quotation, with the consolidation of all the elements involved, it tries to figure out some scientific perceptions throughout the applied linguistic skills. Scientifically, with the involving of the nature of second language acquisition items, the writer would like to present the syllabus procedures such as follows:ability to read a reading speed of 350 words per minute, ability to infer the meanings of unknown words from, ability to identify rhetorical structure of paragraph and ability to distinguish between facts, evident, Richard (1989: 85).
Through applied linguistics view point Richard (1989: 89) said, in a language teaching program, these applied linguistics skills are vital to distinguish and assess the language learning achievements. On the other hand, these skills would be identified as crucial phase evaluation of language tests in the classroom, the simple used.
Secondly, due to the hypothesized calculation can be considered successful to the degree, which these above mentioned subjects of the study are valid, if these phases are fulfilled, Richard (1985: 9). These phases are intended to clarify as follows: (a) Monitors, due the teaching process in order to ensure the system words sheets, and (b) Determines which phases of the system need adjustment when problems are detected.
Regarding to the two phases are above mentioned, the crucial of the evaluation and the role the language tests is vital in the assessment of achievement. Otherwise, result of language teaching and language learning is accomplished, if the its procedures included ,…..(Long, 1983) quoted by Richard (1985: 10), argued that: (a) analysis of the system through which the program is delivered to determine, if tie represent the optional structuring of tome, resource, learners, teachers, and materials, and (b) analysis of the goal and objectives of the program to see of they relevant and attainable.
2.4. EFL Materials for (SMU) Senior High School Students
As regards with the linguist’s view point which a scientific language learning treated that English language itself as a foreign language learning for whom it may concern as non-native English students. In this study, it may have well appreciated if the materials are well designed particularly on the basis of second language learner’s linguistic competence. However, successful language, Richard (1985: 63)…….
“May be linguistically described in using the observable data or output which result from the speakers’ attempt to produce a foreign norms which fully developed a foreign language code … learners….”
As regards in this research study (Namser, 1971) quoted by Richard (1985: 65) second language learning proposed by contrastive analysis theory, which saw language transfer as the central process involved in foreign language learning.
As an evidence transfer from the first language, children who, acquire English as second language learning consequently restricted to perform with the spoken English in his daily communication. Naturally, a successful of language learning itself, its generated a difference perception of aspects of language learning. Both language teaching and language learning will be strictly tried on the National Curriculum (In Indonesia). However, it should be concern to language teaching syllabuses, which derived from contrastive analysis of the native speakers and target language system.
As sample or questioners applied, which it will be analyzed for the learners errors in using questions: When Jane coming?, What Jane doing?, What he saying?
Naturally learner’s language system, which applied linguistics concept of errors analysis, apparently, was initially as application concepts derived from linguistics theory. In line with the linguistics view point, the language curriculum development, they are closely related to the following process and activities, Richard (1985: 6): determining the needs of particular groups of learners, developing objectives for language course, selecting teaching and learning activities, and evaluating the outcome.
Regard to the above mentioned, in Indonesia in which English is not Communicatively used, it shall be requested might be still having a significant role to play with a spoken form in a distinctive scope learning English language itself. There will be two sides related to teaching learning process as follows :
a. Teacher’s Side
Herewith, teachers are suggested to behave as the interaction for the second language acquisition. Teacher is constantly assessed at the language teaching process, which resulted from the teachers side. Apparently, such as a teacher is be expected to design and select particular teaching techniques or materials should be on the basis of learner’s ability and language competence where they are being considered as second language learners. Consequently, students are hoped to be able to apply with all materials transmitted.
b. Student’s Side
In accomplish this study, students are advised to perform with all classroom activities effectively. The expectation of the successful of language teaching and language learning requested to result a crucial phase of the evaluation and vital students achievements. Profoundly, students are able to use English vocabulary of more than sixty (60) words every week.
As regard to the above argument, naturally, the unique character of the competitive language learners can be characterized to distinguish another social requires which habitually possessed by the non-native speakers. As the implication, when students are having some obstacles while they go to the foreign language school as the language acquisition.
2.5. Sub-Skills Theories of TEFL
Do the analytical units which I (The writer) would like to describe whether teaching process has caused an effective means result? Linguistically, as suggested by Richard (1985: 128), that it might be sub-skills theories of socio linguists under described … Cognitive, Phonetics approach, Language Competence, Language Acquisition and Language Proficiency.
Lexically, these are the language cognitive terms suggested to determine all aspects of education. Pedagogic view points, teachers are treated as mentor for the language program itself in the language curriculum. Pedagogically suggested by Richard (1987: 131), theoretically described some language behavior and profoundly quoted by Baraja and Sahan, (1975: 12) who, rested in 1976 Ministerial Decree of the Educational and Cultural Department of Indonesia in which considered and officially declared that teaching of English as a foreign language, although as obligatory subjects.
In connection with the above mentioned linguistics theories, it can be assumed that, who study language pertinent to syllabus designed in two ways of social dimension. First, since disciplines of studying the nature of language had certain goals explanation of the nature of the language itself. By looking the disciplines, it can be described pragmatic functions as follows: Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Socio-linguistics.
Within trends of linguistics theories, however learner who, tend to learn vocabulary has never aroused the same degree, which interest to language teaching. Richard (1985: 178) illustrated that in order to recognize the English language expression English words itself, teaching English words itself, teaching English as an international case. In case of learning a language, commonly a case of relationships across language Jack C. illustrated particular semantic categories as: Cure, Calm Down, and Soothe, which called idiosyncrasy.
These are considered as scientific analysis, which Richard said … although the result of the grammatical case are useful, we do not as yet have a pedagogic grammar of English on the basis of the approach. Under this specific study of how the second language learners try to store their spoken language in short term-memory, it can be implied, that since a conversation involves both speaker and hearer. Unfortunately, the interaction is established, while the referents of cohesive makers are going to result any conversional expression are as follows: (1) Is it possible?, (2) Are you pleased with the result?, and ( 3) How is it going on?
…..These are the social requires which sated by (Brown 1977) and quoted by Richard (1986: 65). In relevant to the above description by Richard, it can be relevant that the application of the experimental method is normally used for the non native English speakers. Nevertheless, the teacher also tries to seek the suitable materials for the beginners students, which it can create the classroom climate be more stable.
3.1. Research Design
As we are were that, in gathering the data if this study, the writer carried out the control-type experimental design and use simple-Randomized in order to gather the data from both classes of experimental class and control class, which the collected focuses on language area of students speaking ability. In reviewing the method, Sutrisno Hadi, whose book of methodology of research (1990;p.275) stated that prior to teaching learning process implemented, two classes were given the same pretest which is simultaneously done of the same instruments. After that, the treatment has been applied only to the experimental class for more that three months of period. Otherwise, the other class is only being controlled for the same period of time, while post test is going to be applied for both classes in the same time. Finally, the amount of learning will be shown by the mean of differences between the pre-test and post test, Richard R. day (1986;p.189).
In testing the significance of the means difference, the writer used the-test, while the score achieved by the test calculation is compared to t-table with the purpose of knowing whether the differences will be statistically or not. I, e. if it is probable a real difference or it might be the result of the variation, (Lado, 1977;383). Whereas, for the control group the trends to use conventional method. On the other hand, the materials will be the same type designed.
3.2. Population and Subject of the Study
Generally this study takes place in one of the senior high school in Dili, which it fulfills the criteria of the writer where the data will be collected as well. Within the procedures stated there will be classified as follows.
3.2.1. Population of the Study
Population of this study will be the students of SMU 2 of the third year students who, will be out of all the population on the basis of preparation designed. However there will be classes of the third year students, which they are IPS 1 as the experimental class and IPS4 as the school year of 1997/1998. Scientifically, Richard R. Day (1986;p.314), argued that a population such as alternative subjects, which treated as research subjects for a writing paper.
3.2.2. Subject of Study
On line with the criteria stated prior to it the subjects of this study consist two which covered 15 students for each group. Richard R. Day (1986;p.320), argued subjects are out of all population who, randomly selected without genders discrimination. Subjects of the study, for the effectiveness of teaching and learning process there will be thirty (30) students which classified into two groups of test where the first class has fifteen students as for experimental class and second class has fifteen students as for control class.
a. Experimental class, which it is being applied with the experiment type method.
b. Control class, which it is being controlled without the treatment. These two classes above mentioned, they are defectively out two which they were from IPS1 and IPS4
3.3. Instrument
Upon the description of the methodology itself, this study will be involved. Teacher and students as the main subject matter to be discussed. Then all language items which it concert to the speaking ability will be automatically consolidated together as instrument of this study. Technically, the instrument together the data requested from the language items or language elements itself, with respect students potentialities to pronounce English expression of daily conversation. The language items design for the test are a; daily expression, language styles, vocabulary, any grammatical construction in respects of the language itself as foreign language. These all the language items were combined into two types namely; retelling stories and questioners for oral interview if to identify the students personal background. To test the students speaking ability, we provided them a simple passage of dialogue to perform I front of the class, while two students are indicated who one will be as guest and another one of the Hotel in Dili. Properly, they (students) were provided with a special topics that currently going on in their environment, which the English is rarely spoken.
3.4. Procedure of the Study
In connection with this study, the writer derives some techniques are as follows:
3.4.1. Techniques of Data Gathering
It seems to have been widely described in the present teaching of my practice teaching has a strongly motivated constituency endorsed by my faculty of education, so necessary resource will be effectively collected to set off the teaching learning method of English itself as an international collected to set off the teaching learning method of English itself as an international language. The resources will be roughly chooses throughout the arrangement of control type experimental method, in which both classes are also treated in difference using of technique. This technically cohesive data will be mostly collective by covering all language items, which it is focused on the English speaking ability. In view with the technical arrangement, this study begins with the pre-test and follows up with teaching learning process activity within three months of period. Finally it will be ended with post-test and intensively following by data collecting and other techniques assignments are such as follows. Written Test
Apparently this written test is arrangement into two types in view with the criteria of the method stated, which called pre-test and post-test. Obviously will be initially done which it is previously applied before the treatment. Then, post-test will be applied done both classes, naturally both pre-test are simultaneously arranged for both classes. Oral Test and Interview
Linguistically as Nick Underhill in this third addition (1987;p.102) broke down two types of oral test are such as follows:
a. Retelling a story from written form of passage, which recognized as task and carried out for this technique. Technically students are provided with a short story reading passage the they are being asked to retell sentences for immediately recording.
b. Questions and answer. In view with the technical arrangement, this typically technique consist of series of disconnected question which is graded up by difficulties sentences. Firstly, it starts with short sentences even simple question to motivate all students for the text questions, then following by the complex questions sentences, Nick underhill (1987;p.61). Methodologically, the data will be matched by written test by standard deviation in order to know the improvements caused by the treatment for experimental class.
The data is absolutely recorded in the cassette. This way is originally motivated this study, whether an approach combined prospective of both learners and observes (the writer) or not …. Nick, underhill (1987;p.78).
“….ability to understand the rhetorical structures and paragraph”.
3.4.2. Controlled Factors
in language teaching program, which it achieves its objectives can be considered successful. If there will be some crucial factors should be controlled and viewed by both teacher and learners as a means to a boarder goal, Nick, underhill (1987;p.110). Regard to it there are some factors that might be responsible for the mean differences for both classes although the control class does not have treatment. Those factors are being controlled, while teaching and learning process is going on as follows :
a. Students culture background
To avoid the discrimination cultural background, the subject were randomly taken out of similar culture but without seeing the learners personal background. It means that the distribution of student from the different cultural was proportional, both in control class and experimental class, Jack, C. Richard (1985;p.189) argued that teaching and learning of English is not only taking place where, English is spoken and cultural background is proportional sensitive factor of language.
b. Commonly, people says that male students are able to do better than female students. In touch with the this statement, the collection of the subjects is randomly taken from the two genders, in order to avoid any classical Nick, Underhill (1987;p.102).
c. Extra curriculum Activities
These activities may disturb concentration, thus it might be kept as minimum as possible. Otherwise, extra activities disturbs students concentration such as folklore and etc.
d. Techniques of teaching
Technically after doing the pre-test, which it is initially done before the treatment. However, teaching and learning process must be done in the morning which strictly to avoid the any interferences are not thinking before. Furthermore, Nick, Underhill (1987;p.94) in teaching and learning process, teachers contributions is also expected to the means differences in order to rise up the effectiveness of teaching of language itself as foreign language.
e. Other extraneous Factors
Other extraneous factors which they can not be controlled, for example, the absence of students because of sickness, plays truant or other disturbances in the classroom that done by the trouble marker students or play truant are commonly happen everywhere. Thus they are not considered as controlled factors.
3.5. Techniques for Data Analysis
After collection of data, technically they were rearranged in order of size for the satisfactory of the means differences. As fact, the following procedures is satisfactory considered when the number of scores is mall or less than 20 or 25 (Grolund, 1981;p.492), quoted by Richard R. Day (1986;p.138), he argued that after all scores, and then dividing this sum by the number of the subjects. This calculation will rearranged by the following formula.
M = Sum of score
Number of Subjects
Furthermore there will be another formula used to calculate the standard deviation of the distance of each score from the means is known as the deviation which reached by subtracting the means from the score. If each of the deviation is squared from the means adding them up and divided the scores by the number of subjects, in order to achieved the square root of standard deviation. Convenient unit helps to compare or measure how far the means of particular score may be. The formula expresses the standard deviation is as follows:
SD= Ö (X – M)2
Or the computation can be done in order to find out the scores for the degree of Y1 as well. The formula is as follows :
SD= Ö (Y – M)2
Where (SD), the standard deviation, E (X-M)2 is the sum of square of the deviation of each score the mean, and N is the number which repents sum of subjects.
3.6. The Techniques of Testing the Hypothesis
In This study order to know if the hypothesis is accepted or not, the writer uses any statistical rules by operating the t-test (Sutrisno H. 1990;226), He argued that the difference between two means the formula used test the t-test is as follows.
T = MX – MY = Nx + Ny
Ö (X2 + Y2) (1+1)
Nx + Ny – 2
Notes = Mx and My are the means score of the two groups, where X2 and Y2 are the standard deviation and Nx and My are subjects.
The scores achieved from the computation is calculate with the scores in the table in using significance level of 0,05 in the raw of on tailed test. Otherwise, the number of the subjects are only being analyzed two genders as well. The two genders are the sample consist of 30 subjects covered two genders as well. The genders are the proportional sample or significance in the raw of the one tailed where calculation will be result from the t-tables test, (Sutrisno p.221). The means difference is considered significant of the scores from the t-test calculation equals or higher than the scores from the table, the means differences will be significantly showed.
3.7. Techniques for Analysis of Oral Test
In order to know whether students spoken English ability was improved or not, the writer uses traditional mark categories, using the following procedures to break down the language components :
± grammar is out of ten (10) scores
± Vocabulary is marked out of ten (10) scores
± Pronunciation is marked out of ten (10) scores)
± Fluency is marked out of ten (10) scores
± Content is marked out of ten (10) scores
(Nick Underhill, 1987;97).
However, the number of the right is the divided by ten. Statistically, formula is being used to calculate the scores is as follows :
M= Sum of all scores
Naturally the scores required from the written the written test will be added up by the sum of the oral test scores, which it is competitively compared. And the scores against each students who, independently did the answer sheets provided through two periods of test which simultaneously doing for both classes of pre-test and post-test.
Notes : M = Means score
T = Score of each student
10 = Sum of the item tested
Class :
Day/ Date :
Time :
1. Materials are used for written test
The weather is the condition of the atmosphere at the particular time or place, with respect to heat or cold. Quantity of sunshine, presence or absence of rain, snow, or fog, strength of wind, directions in which the wind is blowing, etc. In connection with the weather, here are some terms you will learn.
Wind is caused by air that flows a place having high pressure to another one with low pressure. When the difference in air pressure is great, the wins is produced in this way is strong. Whereas if he differences is small the wind is weak. A storm is violent enough wind that rotates or constantly directly. It is destructive rotary storm under a could that looks like a water spout which advances in a narrow path for many kilometers.
II. Oral test
a. What is the weather?
b. What is the quaintly of sunshine, presence or absence of rain and snow?
c. What is atmosphere?
d. What is the wind?
e. Is weather the condition of the atmosphere at the particular time or place?
III. The items tested to be recorded
1. What is your foreign favorite language do you want to speak?
2. Are you interested in English as a foreign language?
3. Do you speak English at home?
4. Do you speak English at your school all day?
5. Do you speak English in the classroom, while you English teacher getting?
IV. The items tested for daily expressions
1. How are you?
2. What is your name, please?
3. How old are you?
4. Are you parents still alive?
5. How many brothers and sister do you have?
6. How was your weekend?
7. How were you families at home?
8. Have you ever been to Australia?
9. Have you ever been studying English?
10. How was your sister’s health?
Daily activity, every students expected to prepare the hair own daily activity and try express it in English, as they can….
I get up ……….o’clock every morning
I usually have breakfast at ………
And then…………………………..
I always get lunch at …………….
I usually have dinner at………….
I got to bed………………………..
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